When Being Black Goes WRONG: One MAN, Two MOTHERS, ONE MISSION

As I scrolled through my timeline on Facebook early Sunday morning I saw a video being posted over and over again of an event that somehow turned into a media frenzy. Black teens in McKinney, TX being manhandled by police. I watched a minute of the video and then I scrolled on. Another city-same issue. . Simultaneously I also noticed that a true warrior and now our angel Khyrstin (Kyssi) Andrews had transitioned from this Earth to Heaven after fighting a battle with cancer. I did not know her personally but thousands of us were rooting for her and praying for her recovery. My heart sank as a mother. One mother is grieving the loss of her precious daughter as another has to re-live the moment that her daughter was improperly handled by police publicly.

A witness to the event in McKinney, TX and a personal friend Jerry Benet Embry is a resident of the neighborhood and recanted what he saw and gave his personal take on what occurred.  His story has now gained national recognition. Notably I am biased because I know him on a personal level but I also only defend individuals whom I can attest for their character.

So in a 24 hour span a man who lives in a community and also happens to be a BLACK man that witnessed the events and spoke his truth is now receiving hatred from people that chant BLACK LIVES MATTER. I’m starting to believe that this only pertains to the individuals that we deem as “necessary” to the cause that we are ranting about at that time.

While I am just as grievous about the black men’s lives that have been lost over a short span of time by police that clearly overuse power and downright should not be in authority I cannot say that BLACK LIVES MATTER when we take out time to spew hateful words and thoughts towards another black life that also matters.

This incident as many others is not clearly defined in black and white. We see videos and we instantly jump on bandwagons without knowing the full story. It is obvious that the police officer with his knee in the back of a 14 year old girl should not be in a position if he is unable to refrain from using force that is unnecessary but it does not give us the ammunition to direct our anger towards another black life that matters.

Benet Embry is a tough guy so the threats and words won’t pierce him. He is an educated radio show host, community activist and voice for the uninformed.  I am grateful to know that a voice that is being heard will be one that speaks the complete truth and not just the truth as we would like to hear it. As a black woman I have never been comfortable dealing with race relations and I would love to pretend that we live in a world where these things don’t affect us on a daily basis. I would also love to live in a world and within a race that doesn't constantly criticize, belittle and hate on its own but that is my reality.

So the same individuals that supported our sweet angel Kyssi used their energy to lash out at one of our own. It’s a beautiful day to be BLACK and PROUD or nah?