
While You Were Sleeping LegnA Media Was Born: Meet Shamar Willis

Scorching heat in the dead of summer swept me into the Dallas Entrepreneur Center to cover a story. I was eager to see the panel line-up for the event Moguls in the Making which consisted of several duly noted heavy hitters in the game. The event was informative and unique. It was just quaint enough to network yet occupied enough to be considered a success.

Only a few months later I found myself traveling 30 miles in what seemed to be a monsoon to attend Ludafrisco-a concert held at the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco, TX that featured rapper Ludacris but most importantly shed the spotlight on upcoming local artists PBZE and Shy Speaks. All of the artists had their own arrangements and styles which kept the multi-cultural crowd engaged. A very different scene for the city and its surrounding areas. I had to know who was behind this mastery.

An Oak Cliff native that was born with a love for music and a creative spirit took a leap of faith and ignited a company-LegnA MediaShamar Willis, who is trailblazing the Dallas scene has taken the opportunity to meet a need for unity amongst the communities.

To define him would be to confine a gift that cannot be limited. His love for God and people overrides his drive for monetary gain. His message is portrayed through his integral approach to bring entertainment and connect people on levels from different walks of life.

His dreams are coming into fruition more rapidly than he could have imagined thus he relies on his team that he has hand-picked to also grab hold of his vision-To reach dimensions that have not previously been attained.

What’s next for Mr. Willis and LegnA Media? Join the party November 29, 2015 as they bringYoung Jeezy to town to perform live at Gas Monkey Live on Thanksgiving Weekend and several opening acts. More importantly keep your eyes on the “Diddy of Dallas

AngeL spelled backwards….what a befitting name for a movement that was birthed by a man who is not far from angelic himself.

For more information about LegnA Media, Shamar Willis or any events visit their website:
IG: @Shamar_atlas
IG: @legnamedia

The Evolution of JUMPCAT: Busybodies Take Heed

GS06….man I remember it like it was yesterday! Four sassy sisters that would later call themselves “The Wolf Pack” dominated the streets of Dallas, TX. Not yet reaching their 30’s their youthful bliss swept them through every new club and party as they searched for independence after divorce, religion and naivety. “GROWN AND SEXY 2006” They had themed that year after the Babyface classic and they lived up to every word.

Another firecracker ran with the group….she carried a clutch purse that contained lead and was the most loyal individual on the planet. She was always there in the time of need even if that meant opening up that clutch and handling whatever business needed to be handled.

I distinctly remember the day that she earned the name “Jump Cat”. It was a Saturday morning and two of us received a call…she needed a ride. So we picked her up to go retrieve her car from a dead beat….the next weekend she went missing for two days then showed up at Sunday dinner fresh out from a weekend stay in the County. Please don’t be misunderstood….this was a very well-kept, classy lady that was searching for love in all the wrong places, trusting too easily and had not yet learned to sit herself down-hence the name “Jump Cat

Now almost 10 years later she is married to the love of her life, raising a beautiful step daughter, an accomplished business woman and still the same loyal friend that she always was. See she learned to swap her title of “Jump Cat” for “Grown Woman”. While this is true for her I see so many women that have not learned this one great feat.

My heart sinks to witness so many “Busybodies” dressed in red bottoms and silk closures that go from one idea, man, career, geographical location to the next sometimes in less than 30 days. You know the ladies that are in love this week and posting selfies…then they go silent for a month only to post scriptures that support a “happily single” phase and in the next breath posting wedding pics. They never pause to listen to the advice of those that encourage them to slow down, take a breather-pray THEN listen for an answer…..there are no rules or regulations, just emotional actions. Unfortunately the aftermath is too costly.

Classy ladies that could be great leaders and outstanding help meets have reduced themselves to acting on impulses. How do we reach a generation of ladies that are only attracted to what can give them immediate results? Instantaneous combustions of joy similar to a powerful orgasm-which we know usually fizzles after a moment and the memory only lasts as long as the act keep women seeking love and approval in bondage. We are selling ourselves short and at a rapid pace, leaving ourselves vulnerable to manipulative men that prey on the thirsty and the admirable ones running in the other direction.

Now the “Wolf Pack” didn’t escape “GS06” unscathed….babies were conceived, men came and went and religion? Let’s just say they found rest for the weary on the other side of Jordan. They learned from the time of their youth and now they seek God for direction and make decisions from a place of maturity and even lead other women in their journeys. If our dear “Jump Cat” can evolve you can also. It just starts with a moment of truth and a decision to want better then what you have ever experienced.